Please leave this field empty. [step s="1" title="Contact Information"]
Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone Number
[/step] [step s="2" title="Company Information"]
Company Name
Company Address
Company Phone
Year established
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[/step] [step s="3" title="Marketing Details"]
Who are your major direct competitors?
Company name
Web address:
How does your company differentiate itself from its competitors, what makes yours more unique?
Describe your company in 4 words:
Describe your target market (i.e. housewives, professional men aged 25-50, students aged 13-18, etc.)
[/step] [step s="4" title="Corporate Image / Logo"]
Do you have an existing logo?YesNo
How did you come up with the company name?
Describe any ideas you have in mind for your new logo.
Visually, what style(s) do you prefer? (Classic, Old World, Elegant, Progressive, Contemporary, Playful Cartoonish, Fast-paced, Techno, etc)
What colors would you like for your logo?
What is the media in which your logo will be used?NewspapersMagazinesWebsitesStore signageOther
When someone asks about your company, what would you want people to say?
Note of interest: The bigger your investment, the more ideas we generate, By having lots of concepts, you get a great pool of ideas to select from and often, the better the completed logo. In addition, the more ideas you have to choose from, the more personalized your logo will become. This is just something to keep in mind.